wbwood wrote:
Duck wrote:
I was reading a article in the newspaper about a man who called the police because a neighbor had a drone and was flying it over his property. Police seem not to care so he grabbed his shotgun and blew it apart. YEAH
Depending on the state, the drone pilot could be sued, especially if photos/video were taken. Pretty hefty too. In NC it's $5000 per photo or video. Here's an article in the Charlotte Observer from September last year. You will see there are other restrictions as well. I had planned to get DJI phantom for Christmas to use with my Youtube channel, but the new laws make it not even worth it worrying about anymore. Especially when I was going to spend $800 on one. I also read somewhere else that you can not land them or take off on state property here. We like to camp in state parks and was where I wanted to use it some.
There’s a difference between drones and the remote-controlled airplanes hobbyists enjoy. So notes a new law effective Wednesday that firms up the definition of “unmanned aircraft,” colloquially known as drones, for statewide regulation.
The law, which was written into the state’s budget, goes into effect amid growing conversations about privacy and surveillance given the potential with drones in aerial research and law enforcement.
Under the new law, drones cannot be used for surveillance of persons or dwellings without consent of the person or owner of the dwelling. That prohibition goes for individuals, organizations and state government agencies alike.
Drones are further banned from photographing anyone for the purposes of publishing or publicly disseminating the images without the subject’s permission, the new law says. Exempt, however, are news agencies gathering photos of newsworthy events “or places to which the general public is invited.”
There are law enforcement exceptions as well. Police can use drones for anti-terrorism and plain-view surveillance or to search for a missing person, suspect or escapee or if they have a “reasonable suspicion” that a life or property is in danger.
The new law says anyone who experiences illegitimate surveillance by drone has a case against the offending party and can recover, in lieu of actual damages, $5,000 for each photo and video taken. Evidence gathered in violation of the new law won’t be admissible in court, “except when obtained or collected under the objectively reasonable, good-faith belief that the actions were lawful.”
Read more here: http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/politics-government/article9196736.html#storylink=cpy
I know you did not write this but what a poorly written article.
The first two sentences are "There’s a difference between drones and the remote-controlled airplanes hobbyists enjoy. So notes a new law effective Wednesday that firms up the definition of “unmanned aircraft,” colloquially known as drones, for statewide regulation."
But no mention what or how there are any differences in the law. Might as well write an article on the new speed limit but not actually mention what the new speed limit is.