a-d-s wrote:
I am pretty happy with how it tows, my only issue is that the rear end sags a bit more than I would like. I've got 5 links on the bars and they take enough force to pull up that I don't think tilting the hitch further back would be a good idea.
Without the WD system being CORRECTLY adjusted it might as well be left off. Unless you have enough force that it REQUIRES you to raise the rear of the TV with the jack when latching up you are not putting much force on the spring bars. While I MIGHT be able to force the latches up without jacking up the rear, it would be a LOT more work than I'd care to do regularly. I raise the rear of my truck over a foot before latching up. Of course the slope of the drive way will depend on just how much is necessary. If you back down hill to a level trailer you probably will need to increase the amount you raise the rear but if you back up hill to a level trailer, probably won't need to raise it as much.
Imagine LIFTING the amount of weight your spring bars are rated for using the short lever (the latch up bar). Not likely you would have any success doing so with a pry bar only a foot or so long.