down home wrote:
They are not practical out here in the hinder lands. 240 miles round trip to Dr.
I20 miles the other direction and heavy traffic in both directions.
The AC cut ff when you stopped in the only one I've ridden in a Toyota, about ten years ago. Heat takes a lot of electricity too.
We have been stuck in snow for a very long time returning from Nashville one year I have been trying to keep up with developments on electric vehicles but cold can decrease mileage, by as much as 60% I read in one report and real hot can suck down mileage too. I have no desire to go back to the old days bundled up to keep warm with little to no heat in the vehicle or with the windows open in 100degree heat.
Whatever form the storage of energy it takes the same amount for the same job.
Whenever the get the energy density of storage of energy near equivalent of gas then it will be more practical. At that point you will be sitting on one powerful bomb that technology hasn't licked yet.
One would be alright if the store, Doctors and other things were within the range of an electrical vehicle under the worse circumstances. Otherwise it would spend most of its time in our garage.
AC doesn’t cut out when vehicle is stopped. We typically lose about about 1/3 of our range in a typical winter day. But we have mild winters here so may be worse for some. Minus 20 is a VERY cold day here in winter.
Gotta day though, either of our EV’s are the best winter vehicle we have ever had. Instant heat and lots of it, pre-heat (or cool) from the iPhone. But then again our longest ever commute is 120 km with most being a third of that. Works for us. Not for everybody