Germs don't have feet, they will not travel.
Even before the "pandemic" I was aware of hidden germs. I use my pinky finger as that is a finger less likely to touch my eye, nose or mouth. Leaving the bathroom I never touch the door. I wait for a sucker to open it for me, or use my foot if the door opens out, or use my used paper towel to touch the handle, then toss the paper towel (the though of someones poo on the handle is my reason).
On general doors I touch the lower part of the handle, you can typically see a lot of wear on the top as everyone touches there, but the bottom is like new, so would have been touched less.
Door knobs that turn just have to be grabbed.
Pick your politician, Trump or Nancy, both of them are on HCQ, that is both the cure and the vax, but has to be taken with Zinc (which is really what does the job). Take your vitamins and take a multi-mineral for good measure. Green Tea is also beneficial for helping the body fight off viruses.
Flu shots will make you more vulnerable, so take extra caution if you fall into this.
Alcohol sanitizer really does kill most germs within 20-30 seconds. Keep that with you instead of a clunky piece of metal, that will be infected on one end anyway...