Fees have always, in my lifetime, been charged to pay for services. As rancher that pays for grazing permits (fees) on both National Forest and private owned land, I know that the money for the controling agency has to come from somewhere. And as the inflationary costs rise, the charges rise in various ways.
For example, prior to the banning of logging on National Forest a few years ago by the then administration, the Forest Service obtained a major portion of revenue from logging, mining, and grazing fees. As a rancher my grazing fees were used to great extent to help pay for camp grounds used by RVers, hunters, fishers, etc. They still are. Today it is only grazing fees that are the major supplemental funds from the General Fund that pays the Forest Service. Logging, Mining, Energy fees are no longer of any amount and Camping fees were never any significant amount to pay the cost of the Forest Service. The Park Service has faced the same inflationary cost increases.
There are always unintended, or at least no previous admitted consequences to any and every government action. The money has to come from somewhere to support the continued growth of every government agency.