tomman58 wrote:
We are on our yearly trek across the US and again are being greeted by some seriously unqualified drivers.
The first one is the person that refuses to put on his headlights at dusk or in the rain. The "I can see you so you must be able to see me"
Next we have the person that thinks you will move over for him as he enters the freeway........ wrong not moving because I have a semi passing on the right.
Next we have the clown that cuts you off because you aren't doing 70MPH even though you are in the far right lane.
Finally we have the gut that just blows through a dead red light. This seems to be far more frequent of late.
These people ware on me and I really wish they were fewer but they seem to be multiplying.
I agree with the First issue, as I have been driving with my lights on anytime I am moving since I got my DL back in 1967! Had many lights flashed at me during daylight hours.
The Merge thing! I have read the post up to this point, and all are true. Now while the vehicle on the Highway has the right of way, and the merging vehicle is burdened, there is the need for give and take. I start down a ramp with the getting up to speed, and look for a "Target vehicle" the one I will attempt to merge behind, this seems to work nicely at speed.
I chuckled at Lynnmor's post on the acres of space in front and behind him and the merger ridding right alongside. What I see is a 3/4 car space in front of me and acres behind and the merger insist of filling that 3/4 car space rather than taking the space behind me.
Typically when on a road with merging, I will move one lane left just to avoid dealing with most of the idiots. I say most as there are those that attempt from the merge to the far left lane in 20 feet.