Blazing Zippers wrote:
Reminds me of the fellow that said, " I've never had an accident, but there have been quite few of them really close to me."
Actually, this is quite an interesting comment you made here. I vividly remember in drivers education class (Summer of 1970) when our instructor made a comment very similar.
He said, "YOU may never be in an accident yourself. But if experience other drivers having accidents near you, it's time to reevaluate YOUR driving style." I never forgot that.
I must be doing something right, I've witnessed only 1 accident happening at an intersection in 45 years of driving, when sitting at a red light and someone ran the light and T-boned the other car. We were about the 4th or 5th car back from the stop. That was more than 20 years ago.
I've never had an accident involving another car in 45 years of driving. But, that doesn't mean I haven't backed into a telephone pole, I've hit a deer, I ran into a tree laying across the road at night during a black-out thunderstorm though. ;)