You are SO wrong and you have no idea what the businesse were that cut 40 to 29 hours yet you pretend you know all the answers. Get lost Mr Knowitall.
No the businesses did NOT hire more workers as it wold have put one of them over the 50 employee mark and require them to provide health care for all anyway. Instead, one of them divided into 2 separate businesses with separate names and books with separate owners on paper. 2 others simply cut back their operation rather than hiring more workers. Sure does help the unemployment situation doesn't it? also sure does help the present employees to continue to put bread on the table and clothes on their backs, doesn't it? It's being repeated all over the country and how do you NOT know this? Of course then, Northern Utah is a very small and remote segment of the USA'a 320 million population and more like a single hair on the end of a dog's tail trying to wave the dog!
DUH! There's now a hospital in Texas on the news that is no longer receiving payments from the insurance companies due to ACA interruptions and therefore has stopped paying it's nurses and doctors and their operating expense bills. How long do you think that can go on? Are you hiding under a rock or just watch very selective pro-ACA news broadcasts? You are the one telling "fairy tales"!
Of course they are clamoring for signups as so few are signing up due to the extreme costs and deductibles and very high co-pays. They probably have a big party after each sucker they sign up and rip off because of the profit they see going KA-CHING!!!