Nov 01, 2019Explorer
health insurance
My wife and i are retired and collecting a pension from our emplooyer. we are not medicare eligible, i will not be at all, she will be in 5 years. what is everyone using for healthcare?
jesseannie wrote:
If you don't get SS benefits does that exclude you from Medicare?
Big Katuna wrote:machunt wrote:
I can get medicare when i reach 65 through my state run pension plan, its call ed the connector, they will subsidize my premiums but at what % is still unknown.
Medicare and SS aren’t tied together.
Also you will still need a supplemental policy to pick up what SS doesn’t cover.
machunt wrote:
I can get medicare when i reach 65 through my state run pension plan, its call ed the connector, they will subsidize my premiums but at what % is still unknown.
machunt wrote:
I can get medicare when i reach 65 through my state run pension plan, its call ed the connector, they will subsidize my premiums but at what % is still unknown.