RVUSA wrote:
CKNSLS wrote:
It's a shame that implementing a state's Healthcare system is a partisan issue. A Republican Governor said it's a Democratic Presidents law-so I won't offer it to people who need it. Let the Feds deal with it.
It's too bad-really.
Some view it as a states sovereign rights being violated. they would be the ones that are not being partisan. :B
The federal government dumps a lot of programs on the states wthout proper funding. The federal highway system and education mandates are just 2 of many. In this instance, the states were given a choice. (Unlike us citizens.) Some states chose not to participate. That is their right. The cost of implimentation varies from state to state, depending on existing inferstructure, number of citizens and other financial considerations. Some states are flush with cash, others are cutting services and jobs to meet a budget. To bad mouth the states that chose not to participate shows a real lack of understanding of what goes on in the real world.
EDIT: A Democrat will cut funding to a Republican bill to pay for a Democrat bill. A Republican will cut funding to a Democtrat bill to pay for a Republican bill. All that really tells us is that we didn't really need either bill in the first place.