There is an excellent ongoing post over at iRV2 full-timing forum on the South Dakota problems. It would be worth your while to monitor that forum. Here is a portion:
Originally Posted by Greg Schoenberg
I took a quick look at the Avera plan and I don't see an HSA option. Personally I wouldn't be concerned about that. HSA's are usually chosen by the "healthy and wealthy." Most of us need some sort co-pay for Rx and Dr. visits.
I am concerned about the out of area, no coverage or pre-authorization aspect, especially in regards to a serious, chronic illness. What if one is diagnosed with cancer and thus requires chemo, radiation, etc. It seems you would have to drive from the sun to S.D., to commence treatment. Even if Avera pre-authorized the treatment, you could be subject to balance bill. I have a client who got billed an extra 50k for using a hospital that was out of network.
If it were me, I'd strongly consider changing domiciles. I suspect Texas has many true PPO's with nationwide networks. I know Washington state does. We have no state income taxes.
I'll pipe down for now. Have a ton of work on my desk.
Indeed, the out of network limitations do have me worried. I would be fine with nothing but emergency care coverage, but I'm not clear that Avera will give us this in the way we need. I'm still looking into it.
Regarding the HSA compatibility on the 6200 plan it's listed here:
"2015 Avera MyPlan $6200 HDHP**
**A high-deductible health plan (HDHP) is a health insurance plan with lower premiums and higher deductibles than a traditional health plan. Being covered by an HDHP is also a requirement for having a health savings account."
12 paws, 40 feet and the open road