We got the notice last week. Our Co Insurance through Wife's former Employer will be going up over 800%. Insurance Companies are lobbying to keep Obama Care.
It should not cost us anything. Wife worked over Forty years just like a lot of Folks under contract. The Retiree Health Fund many millions, far more than would ever be used by the Retirees.
Thanks to lobbying by Wall Street many years ago, now,I've forgotten the years. AT&T took it and put it in the CEO and other Officers and huge voting Investors pockets. They stole the money, simple as that. It was now illegal but immoral and no different than using a gun and holding them up.
Tomorrow I go for three appointments EMG aand MRI and Dr and with an understanding they won't do anything about my rutured disc and nerve and muscle problems in arms. I've twisted my right knee and toe the Miniscus and the left one has been rough for a long time now. Last Dr wouldn't look at the MRI of it. so many things have happened. I have no friends at VA it seems. I am thinking of staying in bed and jus spend the rest of my time in the house on the couch and in the bed and as I can get around. I can't handle any more of the game whatever it is. They won't send me outside to look at the knees and won't se me for ten weeks with the same Dr that wouldn't look at the MRI last time. I'm now using a walker but right arm and hand won't let that continue. So a wheel chair when it gets here except for periods when the knees aren't inflamed or feeling like they will be shortly.
I hope whoever is doing this gets a good night's sleep. I'll be awake for him or them and many more nights. Wish me luck