I would look strongly into the possibility that there could be inflation this year into next. This is all new territory. If inflation, then your money is worth more now. You are better off spending that money on something of value than waiting until the money has less value and will not buy that same item of value.
Discount or not.
We are about to leave the Federal Reserve monetary system. This has already begun with the Fed (private international bankers) merging with the Treasury. The Fed system is based on debt, with a fiat currency backed by nothing.
The President has stated that "we have the gold". He has secured America's gold reserves, we had speculated that Ft Knox was empty, so I have no clue where it was that it had to be secured, I just know he said "secure"
Gold sales have stopped. Gold miners are largely not selling their mined gold. Gold is expected to go much higher. about $1,700 now, could go $3,000. That alone could create inflation to some degree.
Prez has been talking a lot about going to "sound money", aka back to the Gold Standard.
Likely it will still be Dollars, but just wont say, Federal Reserve Note on it. The old notes will be taken as equal to the new printed bills for a time duration, so no disruption or confusion will be expected. They might looks almost identical also.
All this means in speculation is that we leave the Fed Resv system and go to a new gold-backed system.
Spend your Federal Reserve notes now, or buy gold (none to buy), or invest somewhere.
I say all this to provide basis of my personal reasoning why this is better time to buy a camper if you for sure plan to buy one this year.
I'm selling one, and hesitant to take fiat currency knowing that there may be a new gold-backed currency down the road. Yes, your money will seamlessly change from Fed notes to whatever currency is next I expect, that is not the area of concern, don't panic that you have cash. It is the value of your current money (cash or in the bank) that we do not know about in the future due to possible inflation.