I am sorry for the misspellings, etc. Meant to proof read and did not, but as you can see I am very passionate about this issue. The information below is what I sent to Chrysler Cooperate. We were trying to decide what to do with ours, trade it, keep it for everyday (but since the transmission has gone out twice did not trust it), do the Lemon Law or just a law suit, etc. This has stressed us so much and our dealer gave a really good trade on the Wrangler so we just paid the difference and are trying to move on.
Shaking 2014 Jeep Cherokee Video - August 8, 2015
Purchased Late April 2014
• Special ordered to tow behind our motor home and enjoy for many years! Wanted to stay with Jeep since we towed a 2009 Jeep Liberty for 5 years 35,000 miles with no problems and drove it for another 65,000 miles. The beautiful Cherokee replaced the Liberty.
• First problem was the electronic parking brake coming on when we did not engage it. Cost us a set of rear tires after my wife and I both looked to be sure it was not on before towing. Finally, always watch to ensure rear wheels are turning.
• Then at about 6000 miles (September 2014) we hit a rough spot in the road and it started swaying so bad behind the motor home we thought something terrible had happened to the motor home! Finally saw it was the front wheels on the Jeep out of align, so got in and straighten them and all was OK until the next time.
• Took it to the dealer (Don Davis Chrysler-Jeep Arlington, TX) and they could find nothing wrong, but did reset some alignments, but said they did not think it would stop the problem. They were right!
• It happened another 5 to 7 times after that. (We bought another vehicle to tow.) Took it back to dealer. They said there is nothing they can do since they cannot duplicate the problem or find anything wrong. Of course, first I had to convince everyone I was doing everything right and that all my equipment was in working order, etc, etc, etc,…..
• Tried going to through Customer Service 2 or 3 times. Same old story, cannot duplicate it in the shop so there is not a problem. Of course, they have never heard of it happening before since no one else is complaining there must not be a problem.
• Tried going through the District Manager. Same story. I even offered for them to keep OUR Cherokee and tow it, but he said they did not have anything to tow it with. I reminded him they have all kinds of Dodge trucks and Vans, but he said it would not create the same down draft as a motor home! When you see the following video, see if you think down draft is the problem. I am travelling less than 30 mph. Think if this were on the highway at 50 to 70 mph or more!
• Quality is not great, but the video shows the issues of what happens when you hit a rough spot in the road. Remember this is a low speed. You can hear my wife talking emotionally about the experience. She has been inside when it has happened, but not seen it from the rear like this. The only way to stop it from shaking so terribly is to completely stop no matter what road you are on and start over (if not have to get out and straighten the wheel). Also, what is it doing to the motor home?
• I do not tow it now, but had a short trip to pick up the motor home on Friday afternoon and thought I would try it. On the way home it happened again, so we decided to take the video on Saturday August 8, 2015 at the spot where it happened to show everyone what a safety issue there is with towing these Jeep Cherokees.
• We have driven this Cherokee less than 10,000 miles at this time because we cannot take it with us and cannot trust it on long trips. Also, we have just had the transmission go out twice last month. There was so much we loved about Our Cherokee when we first got it, now we cannot trust it to drive it even for every day much less tow it.
• I now have contacts for about 15 more 2014/15 Cherokee owners who are experiencing the same issues with dinghy towing and getting the same response from Chrysler.
This link to the YouTube video (I think) https://youtu.be/enU7uzKgx_4
If you did not get the video and want a copy email me at richnors@flash.net.