wanderingbob wrote:
If marking them works maybe we should put a sticker on everything , lawnmowers , hammers , lunch boxes even money , maybe no body would rob banks if they had a sticker and maybe a serial number on them !
We tried stickers, or more appropriately, signs.
"Smile, you're on camera." - Security system
"Private property, trespassers will be prosecuted to....."
Guess what?
When you live in a place where virtually nothing but capital crimes appear to be prosecuted, state sponsored safe injection sites are more important than police protection and those officers who are left aren't allowed to pursue stolen vehicles, your catalytic converter doesn't stand a chance!!
Heck, west side here, cops don't even radar traffic for speeders anymore.
I don't like to drive slow and use a radar detector most of the time I'm driving. I haven't seen a speed trap in Western WA for quite some time now and even the heavily patrolled, known speed trap areas of I-90 in Eastern WA now rarely have speed traps setup. I'll pass officers parked in the median, regularly, who now aren't even running radar. Just a short year or so ago, it would have been multiple radar hits in that same stretch, consistently.
And it's not just heresy on the non pursuit thing. Friend had a company van stolen out of their parking lot, broad daylight. He hopped in his rig and followed the stolen van, called 911, reported location, what he was driving and description of the stolen van.
State patrol pulled him over, told him to stop following the van, and that since the van was not committing any traffic violations, he had no cause to pull him over and couldn't pursue the van even if a violation occurred. Just last night, it was on the news as well. Basically a public announcement that there will be virtually no enforcement of traffic regulations, nor pursuits, save for cases that fit a very limited criteria.