You do need to remember all those truck drivers are working and they believe you are on vacation. Naturally, that will get you some negative vibes. It is really no different than if at your place of work people set up and vacationed in the break room leaving you waiting in line to use the microwave or with no chair to sit at while you drink your coffee during your 10 minute break. Same with fuel, time is money to the truck driver. If you are fueling in a truck lane, get your fuel and get the heck out of the way for the next guy.
And I know for a fact some people have an endless amount of gall. Complaining to the manager in front of a half dozen truck drivers that the noise and fumes in the parking lot from idling trucks and APUs kept you awake all night isn't going to earn you or your fellow RVers any brownie points. Nor will complaining there isn't anything for your kids to do while you are parked find you a sympathetic ear. A truck stop is exactly that, a truck stop. If it works for you, fine, but don't expect a free resort or things to change just because it isn't what an RVer would like.