Big Katuna wrote:
westernrvparkowner wrote:
Big Katuna wrote:
rk911 wrote:
Big Katuna wrote:
...Cheap water is going away in our overpopulated state...
by what measure is FL overpopulated. 2019 estimate is ~20-million with an estimated growth rate of 1.54%.
Our beautiful springs have a rising Ecoli level and some are closed to swimming.
Drive thru Orlando lately? It’s a driving disaster. Most of the secondary roads are clogged and in poor condition. Meanwhile there are huge cheaply built apartments going up for all the low paying service jobs.
The tourism has lowered the quality of our natural resources for the residents and made going to the beach, camping, restaurants, etc, more expensive crowded and not fun.
I could go on but I won’t.
So Florida is overpopulated. Sounds like a great time for a lottery. Winners get to stay, losers have to move out of the country (other states don't want your losers). Venezuela would be a good destination since their citizens are leaving in droves leaving their ramshackle shacks behind. The Florida losers could help repopulate that worker's paradise.
As for DisneyWorld, Universal Studios and all the other Orlando attractions Montana will gladly take them all along with the millions of tourists that visit. You see, we tend to see prosperity as a good thing.
And after the US sells Montana to Canada as proposed, those evil tourists and their despicable tourist dollars will leave the US for a country that appreciates them. A week or so later we will send the tourists back but we will keep the dollars forever. Talk about wins for everyone. Florida loses it's largest industry, tourism, Montana ceases to be flyover country and becomes a valuable Canandian Province, the US gets it's Trillion Dollars for selling a state and Venezuela gets repopulated by lottery losers and maybe your precious spring will see the E Coli count go down.
Wow! So making a statement about out of control growth turns into deporting American citizens to Venezuela?
Over react much?
I’m guessing if you moved the theme parks and their 72 MILLION ANNUAL VISITORS
and all the associated low paying jobs, load on schools and welfare to Montana, there would be complaints. And that was 1917 numbers.
out of curiosity, is there a solution?