A fact about preexisting conditions is that the companies are not allowed to charge more for them anymore, but the costs is spread around among all the others without preexisting conditions. It is a savings for those with them and an extra cost for those without them. When people I see hear discussing that their costs went way up, it is to pay for those with preexisting conditions and to pay the subsidies for those receiving them. When I took Economics 101 on day 1 the professor wrote on the board, there is no free lunch. The costs is just shifted to others. (along with a 20% or so administrative charge). Those of us on Medicare (paid into it for 40 years), need to be sure to get a plan that is usable in all states. We have AARP which has been taken all over. Part D (Medicines) are best used with nationwide pharmacies like Wal-Mart, Walgreens, ETC. Their computers are all linked together and going to one in ND is no different to going to my home town one in FL.