Dick A wrote:
az99 wrote:
The US RV industry sure needs some competition. The horrendous quality and total lack of QC would be quickly improved.
The quality issue is mostly a result of the loss of pride of craftsmanship, old time work ethics, and the degradation of societal mores.
Dick that is just too funny for words…
What does pride in craftsmanship have to do with it???
when no one is given the tools, time, guidance and training to do any better where does the pride come from???
When corporate puts margins ahead of their customers safety and security, why the amazement in the poor quality in the finished product???
When quotas are the primary goal how can you expect craftsman ship or pride???
Plain and simple, if these companies want pride and craftsmanship to show it will… if there is good decision making at the top, and management has good managerial and people skills you would quickly see pride in the craftsmanship and in the finished product… but they can’t just want it and not do anything to make it happen… they can’t look only at the bottom line and hope for it to be there…
More important is we can’t expect more if we aren’t willing to demand more and willing to maybe pay more… but really I think with better and committed management we could see much better with almost no cost increase and maybe even better profits for the company…
It’s just easier the way it is…
This is what I have seen since I have been camping and that was before the mentioned loss of pride of craftsmanship, old time work ethics, and the degradation of societal mores.