I know of two cases where a unit sat.. and sat.. And sat.. Without anyone in it for years.
One, the owner who parked it on a 99 year lease site died, and his family was arguing over his estate (Gready )@#$@# that they were) finally they settled and sold it,, Park manager said that inside it looked showroom new.
The other.> Well inside it was obvious the guy was a pack rat, but it sat so long all the batteries were flatter than pancakes.. Would not even take a charge.. I worked with park personnel to bring the slides in and moved it off site to storage, and finally the family came and got it. Do not know if they sold it or simply moved it to a different storage. nice RV once I got the battery replaced.
It was a Workhoerse with an 8.1L Vortec, same as I drive.. That thing had sat there, with OLD GAS for at least 5 years.. Fired up and ran like new.