toedtoes wrote:
I find the comparison of having a gun as the same as having insurance or a fire extinguisher or air bags, etc., interesting. But I think there are some major differences.
Very valid points.
I have additional insurance on my trailer that is not required... just in case someone breaks into it or a tree falls on it while parked. Not required by law, does that make me paranoid?
I have my own retirement plans that are not required by law and are above and beyond Social Security so that I will have greater than the minimal financial means when I retire. Is that paranoid?
I have more than minimal insurance on my vehicle... does that make me paranoid?
You make the reference to the 51,000 gun deaths a year... how about the many many many more victims of gun violence that DON'T die.
There were 84,000 forcible ***** in 2014. How many suspects had handguns, or how many victims were afraid that the attacker had a handgun? Conversely, how many of those ***** could have been prevented by a female armed with a handgun?
How many robberies occurred? How many aggravated assaults occurred?
Look, we don't live in a perfect world. We will never rid our country of crime. The objective is to reduce the chance of being a victim. Like it or not, a suspect is much less likely to rob you if there is a chance you have a gun. You don't even need to have the gun... you just need the suspect to have a healthy fear of the possibility that you have a gun.
Look at all these mass shootings in GUN FREE ZONES. These cowards know that they won't likely face armed resistance and they are at the advantage. Churches, armed service recruiting centers and bases, schools, malls, theaters... all of these are places you are very unlikely encounter someone with a gun.
I don't have a problem with YOU making a decision not to carry a gun. I do have a problem with YOU telling me that I cannot carry a gun.