Dog Folks wrote:
2012Coleman wrote:
All I have to offer is this:
verb: speculate; 3rd person present: speculates; past tense: speculated; past participle: speculated; gerund or present participle: speculating
1. form a theory or conjecture about a subject without firm evidence - often occurs on internet forums.
All I have to offer is this:
1: attestation of a fact or event : testimony
2: one that gives evidence; specifically : one who testifies in a cause or before a judicial tribunal
3: one asked to be present at a transaction so as to be able to testify to its having taken place
4: one who has personal knowledge of something
I have been there, done that, and personally observed these thefts. It happens. No speculation on my part, at least.
I do agree that plenty of speculation occurs here, in the entire forum.
Sorry - that's still speculating. Your coming to your conclusion based on hearsay. Lots of ways the person in question may not have been a thief. Your experience should cover those reasons as well. I agree that based on your experience, he COULD have been a thief, but no way can you be sure of it - you can only speculate. Circumstantial evidence isn't enough to convict in this case. I'm not saying that this type of thing doesn't happen but you can't know if it is based on past experience.
The OP may even have other motivations for coming to his conclusions, but I won't go into any possibilities as I would only be speculating, and that would not be fair to the OP - not nice either.
Maybe - just maybe, this happened without the OP seeing it:
mabynack wrote:
I've pulled into a campground after the office closed and left early in the morning. I slid an envelope under the office door with a note and some cash to cover my stay. I include my phone number in case they felt I owe them more than I left.