What is this soap and water bottle you speak of?
I usually suck them up with our dust buster and empty the catch basin, outside. If it's late in the evening and I don't feel like going outside to empty the dust buster, I plug the nozzle of the vacuum with a paper towel, so they can't escape. After dropping the bugs on the ground (empty the vacuum's bucket), I squish them with a rag, throwing the rag away into our outdoor trash can, having read that their odor warns other stink bugs to stay away.
We camped in Williamsburg, VA last Summer (near enough to Northern Neck, I guess), and they came out of the woods to swarm our rig, just before Sundown. When we got home, I opened all outdoor hatches, like the fridge, battery compartment and water heater, to vacuum them up. Although they weren't numbered in the hundreds, a few is too many. Don't forget to check your stove's exhaust hood vent, power-cord door and under roof vents.