emzee wrote:
yay!!!! happy to hear that chock!
When I had my tkr I ended up in the hospital for 6 days. I threw up for six days! I told the doc I was allergic to shell fish-iodine but he used that on my leg anyway?? Such a little bit, don't know if that was the culprit or the pain medication. They stopped all the pain meds too, just to see what was causing me to be so sick.
I'm allergic to Betadine--it makes me swell up and itch. Found that out when I used to work in labor & delivery years ago. A lot of healthcare workers don't want to believe it, but it's true. And my brother is so allergic to it he just about stops breathing!
I had my thumb joint removed and replaced a few years ago. I told everyone I came in contact with about the betadine allergy. A-ok. They did the surgery and sent me home on a bunch of narcotics. When I woke up 4 days later, my hand was itching and burning, I assumed because it was in a big, ol' bandaged up cast. Ten days later, the doctor removed the cast and I had 2nd degree chemical burns on my hand! My hand was covered in greasy gold betadine and blue Hibiclens. When I got to the bottom of the story, apparently someone "forgot" about the betadine and used it to scrub my hand. Realizing their mistake, they just splashed some Hibiclens over it.:M The problem is, Betadine comes in two styles--a thin liquid and a thick soap. You can rinse off the liquid, but you have to scrub off the soap and it is VERY hard to get off. My surgeon didn't see any of it because he was scrubbing in for surgery. By the time he got in there, my hand was all covered up with drapes so nothing was showing but my thumb. Grrr...
Well, last year I had to have gallbladder surgery. I took a Sharpie marker and wrote on my stomach "Allergic to Betadine." :B The surgical staff got a kick out of it and I didn't have to deal with betadine!