mkirsch wrote:
I feel the need to point out that what you feel from passing traffic is NOT, I repeat *NOT*, sway.
Sway is the trailer swinging side-to-side behind the tow vehicle, with the motion getting worse with each oscillation, until the trailer yanks you off the road or into oncoming traffic.
The only way sway control devices are going to do anything to affect the aerodynamic push-pull you feel from passing traffic is, if you put so many of them on there that your rig ends up weighing 80,000lbs.
Exactly! Not sure what one of the many things that changed since the late 1960's but the whipsawing of a passenger car when being passed by a truck while having crosswinds or going under overpasses has nearly vanished. With the exception of pulling a TT and being passed and getting the bow wave pressure.
edit 8/8
Has anyone viewing this used an Andersen WD hitch? If so chime in, I am seriously considering a purchase since the word is the ride is really smoother.
I calibrate the first one to estimate the amount of shoulder stripe to eat in future passes.
BUT, there is no sway, only push or pull and it is uniform from bumper to hitch to bumper. (Provided you have WD and sway)