Forum Discussion

brulaz's avatar
Aug 11, 2016

1/0 lugs with hydraulic crimper

Using the #70 hex dies in my new hydraulic crimper with 1/0 tinned copper lugs (not cast) and 1/0 cable.

I squirt a little anti-oxidant around the lug hole, insert the cable and do a simple crimp. That leaves two small tags sticking out on each side where the upper and lower dies meet. The crimp seems mechanically very strong. Are these tags just a cosmetic issue?

Tried rotating the lug after only half-way crimping, then finishing the crimp. But that seemed to re-stretch and shear the copper lug, making an even messier (and perhaps weaker?) crimp.

  • I much prefer cast copper and choose lugs and terminals one size larger for whatever AWG wire I am crimping to. I.E. 3/0 lugs for 2/0 AWG wire. Works like a charm.

    But then I solder the sucker solid.
  • SCVJeff wrote:
    I get them as well, but I crimp my 4/0 lugs in steps with an intermediate set of dies, that pre-squeezes the lug. The final die set gets two crimps rotated in different positions, and that all but eliminates the issue.

    That's a good looking crimp. Think I'll try your method.

    For my 1/0 lugs, I'll start with a #70 partial crimp, rotate, do another partial. Just crimping enough to allow me to get a #50 die around the lug. And then a full crimp, rotate, and another full with the #50.
  • I get them as well, but I crimp my 4/0 lugs in steps with an intermediate set of dies, that pre-squeezes the lug. The final die set gets two crimps rotated in different positions, and that all but eliminates the issue.

  • MrWizard wrote:
    Tags ? I always called them Ears !
    But they are not an electrical issue, simply cosmetic

    That's the word I was looking for!.

    And Smkettner, think I'd rather have larger ears but tighter compression between lug and wire by using a smaller die. No?
  • Tags ? I always called them Ears !
    But they are not an electrical issue, simply cosmetic
  • hedge wrote:
    I'm not sure about the tags but I have a hydraulic crimper from ebay and the directions on mine specify the 50 dies for 1/0, although you'd think that would make the tags worse.

    Hmmm, you're right. But I agree the tags will probably only be worse with #50 dies.

    Although the 1/0 cable fit in just fine, I had a hard enough time getting the #70 die around my 1/0 lugs, so maybe they're over-thick somehow.

    Will try again next week (hopefully) ...
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    I too have only done the 2-AWg and 4-AWG ANCOR brand cables with excellent results.. This is using my MIC-70 8-Ton Hand Crimper I have had since 2009.

    google image

    I would almost start worrying about my hand crimper start squirting oil on those larger size cables...

    I don't think my 8-ton capacity model is large enough for those larger cable sizes even tho it comes with the die's for them...

    At my work sites back in the day the 6-0 cables used a hugh tool to crimp them... Was a two person operation...

    My 220Ah to 440Ah capacity battery banks will do me just fine using 2AWG and 4AWG size cables using my 60A DC Current PD9260C converter/charger for charging batteries. Using my clamp-on Sears AMPMETER I usually see DC current around 52-55AMPS of DC Current being pulled at the 14.4VDC DC Voltage charging modes... I also use this clamp-on AMPMETER to see the equal balance of DC Current going to the multiple battery connections when I am in charging mode. Great test meter to have around my battery banks...

    google image

    Roy Ken