I'm with time2roll here, use two separate cords, tied in after the transformer with a transfer switch.
Having pulled 4 tours in Europe during my military years, 3 of them in England I don't find the switch from driving on the left side of the road to right side to be an issue. That said my only accident I've ever had was because I was driving too fast for a left had drive in a corner without a shoulder where the hedge didn't allow me see around the corner fast enough for the speed I was going, which was under twenty. I rear ended a stopped car, broke the headlight assembly for my car, and had to have one shipped from the states which took a while to get.
The 50hz thing might cause you some issues. As mentioned microwaves tend to have shorter life expectancies if designed for 60hz and run on 50. This also applies to most AC motors and any other inductive type devices. For the most part though, most of us GI types would get away with shipping and using our US appliances over there on transformers. I've also noticed many modern devices now have motors rated for 50/60 hz, and with electronics the power supply often works on either without having to use a transformer.