mich800 wrote:
ken56 wrote:
I had friends visit a few years back. They stayed in the yard and plugged into a 15 amp outlet approx. 50 feet away. I told them to be careful with their electrical usage because of it. Well, it got hot out enough they needed to use the air conditioner. After they left I noticed my outdoor portch light had stopped working so I took things apart and using that outlet with such heavy current draw melted the connections to the light enough to stop it working.
Even with a 30 amp outlet there will be very high current draw using 2 air conditioners and will likey melt some wires if not cause a fire. I was lucky as my outlet did not cause a fire but it was too close for comfort. Be very careful.
Sounds like an improperly set up circuit. The circuit is protected by the breaker and everything downstream of that breaker should be rated for at least the tripped load.
It was. I fixed it. New switch rewired properly and new GFCI outlet. They had passed the current for the outlet off the hot side of the old switch instead of a pigtail directly to the hot wire. Have since put in a dedicated 30 amp hookup.