Mar 17, 2018Explorer
6V deep cycle batteries
Have had som very overcast weather the last 4 days, batteries down to 82% in morning back to 95% afternoon, how long can this be don before a 100% recharge becomes essential.
When you know your ravioli, you know how long to keep it in the oven and at what temperature, to make sure it comes out just right.
It's a SMART oven. It has no adjustment. It knows how *IT* wants your ravioli to be prepared. There's no way in the world you would EVER GET burned ravioli, right?
This is how stupid smart battery charging is...
Get the parallel here?
lawrosa wrote:Slownsy wrote:
TM-2030 Trimetric absorb 14.5 Amp set pt 2% 520A. time 4h high V15.9. float V13.5 Overcharge 10%. Finish A 3.5%
Solar 600W I am running a domestic 314l Samsung inverter fridge. Overnight all op usage around 14-16% 80A. As my generator was stolen I just wanted to check how long without damaging batteries. Back on a powered site for now. Thanks all.
Cant make heads or tails of your post.
1. How many ah,s are the batts?
2. What controller do you have?
3. Bulk V? Absorp V? Flaot V?
All controllers have a trigger point.
Bulk should be like 14.8. Will try to put in all amps controller has.
Once 14.8 is reached, or usually 4 hrs it will switch to absorb. Amps will then taper.
Absorp is time based or amp based on some controllers.
Usually I believe float gets triggered at about 17 amps from absorb.
I dont thing boondocking and using your batts you dont have enough daylight to fully charge.
Depends what your doing. And what amps are going in during the day.
Sometimes you need to trick the controller with a load to get back into bulk . Even if it gets to absorb quickly to 14.8 it will go back into a time based absorp.
I dont think you can really overcharge a battery when boondocking. Especially with a reefer running on electric..
You need to watch the amps going in and make a judgement call.
Im not familiar with that samsung inverter fridge..Whats the watt use?
Your solar 600w/12 = 60amps
Slownsy wrote:
TM-2030 Trimetric absorb 14.5 Amp set pt 2% 520A. time 4h high V15.9. float V13.5 Overcharge 10%. Finish A 3.5%
Solar 600W I am running a domestic 314l Samsung inverter fridge. Overnight all op usage around 14-16% 80A. As my generator was stolen I just wanted to check how long without damaging batteries. Back on a powered site for now. Thanks all.
No timer dial. Press button. It's a s-m-a-r-t oven. Guaranteed to not burn food.
Enjoy popsicle ravioli.
lawrosa wrote:
I would leave in in absorb mode all day if I could. But I have the kick back into bulk ar a high 13.2 anyway..
Float I have 13.6...Ill rarely see float while boondocking i'm sure.
Almot wrote:
...and what is solar controller model?
It sounds like his energy use is low, and solar is "almost" doing the job as is. Remaining 5% is mere 11 AH - or less, with what BFL13 noted. Having more panel wattage would help, as the battery would go into Absorb sooner.
Controller should switch to Float for the rest of the day, this is what battery normally wants. But when Float time is not long enough - because it went into Absorb too late - you're left with less than 100% charge. Raising Float to 14.8 for several hours is not good for batteries, and leaving it under-charged for more than 2 weeks isn't good either. Can't say which is better - or how long you can go like this. The longer it goes, the shorter they will last.
Or we are on the wrong track here and he doesn't have any solar, and the numbers 85-95 are with some generator run time in the evening.