I used one of these to convert to electronic. I got the 4 outlet igniter and used #4 to light the oven pilot, too. I also bought a single pushbutton complete igniter kit just for the electrode and wire. My stove is a Atwood but they are all pretty much the same. Was able to snake the wire down to the oven pilot area and used tie wire to hold the electrode in the correct position to light the pilot. It is FAR more secure than it looks! The screw hole on the electrode slid right over the sensor bulb for the pilot and the wire just keeps it from sliding back off. That is a BIG improvement for an RV range! Not having to crawl around on the floor trying to look in the oven and get the match to the oven pilot was worth it alone. In my case I had to make the hole for the igniter bigger. Used a 1/2" electrician's knockout to enlarge the existing hole from the turn starter.
