Oooh I wish I was kidding...
"This machine is for Tequila or Mescal"
"There is only water. I am making pure water for my batteries"
"You are washing the machine out. This fools nobody. Andele where is the mescal?"
When I took him to the gen shed he spotted all the water milk jugs and popped caps and sniffed. He could not believe it was water. As he and four other SSP federal police were leaving...
"This machine is illegal. Take it down"
It stayed up. A 55-gallon drum with legs and 10-meters of 1/2" copper tubing for a condenser. Sizing the blowoff vent was the trickiest part. But it does have a mud drum drain.
I did check the TDS and it averages 17 - 24 PPM.