Mobilesport wrote:
How are you coming up with the Ah numbers?
123.6ah ??
10 more at the end??
I wasn't aware I put that many amp hours into the battery, still learning.
My recorded soc% numbers came from the monitor.
Yes there is a ah counter but I didn't think about it.
AH is amps and time. 53 amps for the first two hours is 106AH then 20 minutes worth of 53 is 17.6AH so now at 123.6. About 10 more after that.
EDIT--I missed the 10 minute time out at 2:00 for 9AH, so total is 125AH all 25 in the first hour.
A normal allowance for heat loss is 6% or whatever with Wets and most of that starts after 80% SOC with "gassing". Li batts supposedly don't have so much of that.
You have 33% overage in AH assuming the batt is at 100AH rated capacity. You found where some or all of that was going, but most of it was after you fixed the problem early on. Still more to find!
You can't take the % SOC from a monitor unless you know for sure what the battery capacity is before you even start.
EDIT--this is where the Li blurbs drive me crazy--they seem to say that you can equate cell voltage with SOC and capacity. Cart before the horse.
New thought!--the BMS kicks in at 14v. How much of the recharging energy goes into running that thing instead of to the cells? That would reduce your charging efficiency a little, but you only get to 14v near the end so no big deal probably.
Just use the AH counter adjusted for heat loss for that type of battery. ISTR Trimetric says to use 1.5% for Li? But in this case, you have 33%!!!! (if the batt is 100AH)
It must be very frustrating for you with all this, but the good thing is that this is how you find out something isn't right--when the numbers don't come out right. BTDT.