Ductape wrote:
Ad hominem may feel satisfying but it doesn't bolster a sense of solidity in the POV expressed.
I don't see the issue as one of a petro fuel shortage, more one of what's the carrying capacity of the environment to deal with all the carbon being released. The costs of environmental impacts needs to be included as well. And those are real. Places I used to be able to view distant mountains now obscured with smog as an example.
And back to the economic case, alternative energy sources are why petrol prices are depressed. An era of petro energy dominance is beginning to wind down.
The several ‘assumed to be true’ constructs in this post would especially sadden Aristotle...
Is the carbon level really too high?....By who's measure? A Scientific consensus??....Really?...Implicit in this construct is the abjest repudiation of science itself !!
Did the gov’t not finance the vast majority of these ‘studies’ (via large infusions of institutional grant monies...) with the singular advance purpose in mind of bolstering their already pre-conceived ‘green house gas’ model outcome, which points to a biased ’cash for evidence’ arraignment... Outcome based science is NOT Science!...This upside-down approach (now being referred to as ‘science’ ) is NOT really Science but is called ‘Scientism’ and ushers in what should be a very worrisome trend - an institutionally sanctioned repudiation and corruption (i.e. desired results for cash...) of the very ‘re-discovered’ Scientific Method that enabled Europe to fast-track itself out of the Dark Ages....It is this sudden return to the rediscovered ‘Scientific Method’ that is responsible for the rapid advances ever since, including even the iPad I’m writing this on now!!
Truth is, ‘Consensus based science’ is NOT really science at all, and any popular approved notions (regarding said ‘climate change’) that “It’s a Closed subject - The Science has been settled!!” by definition is not real science, since mankind (think about man’s limited faculties) forever lacks the ability to ‘fully or completely’ understand the Sciences...Real science must always be OPEN for enquiry and debate!
A very much maligned Carbon Dioxide constitutes only about .03-.04% of the earth’s atmosphere and is a fertilizer for plants and earths oxygen producing rain forest, without which animal life simply could not exist....It is in this way that the earth itself is in equilibrium - more CO2 means more oxygen, and BTW more food production for ever hungrier populations....
In the larger context, consider too that Redwood tree stumps have been discovered buried at the Arctic circle...
Actually, what’s brought down the cost of hydrocarbon products is the advent of fracking and the ensuing competition which has since resulted - made possible by improvements in industrial technology...
3 tons