joraz said,
"after like 2 1/2 hours, I am seeing 14.2v and 27.5 amps and 85% battery charge."
If amps started out in the 48a range, and have tapered to 28a, you averaged about 32-35a per hour. (It's not a linear drop, more like a ski slope, with amps tapering faster in the beginning, then leveling out, so the "average" is lower). After 2 1/2 hours, that's about 80-85 Ah's replaced. You say you're at 85% soc... leaving about 75Ah's to go. So that puts your bank at about 155-165Ah's depleted at the beginning of the charge cycle... or about 70% soc. So, the numbers are correct. So, the mystery is, why only 48a to begin with???