Jeepboy71 wrote:
Quick reply to above. This camper is not equipped with it's own battery. I used a jumper pigtail to be able to switch wires around. Left the ground alone. Ran known power to brown. All 12v functions inside the camper would work. Known power to yellow or green, no operating functions were found. Going to try locating some sort of harness again today.
Just the 4 wires coming out of the camper. 8' camper, so no tail, stop, or turn signals on it.
Okay so the camper is too small to have tail or stop lights, but there are marker lights. Sounds like the PO just used the brown wire from a 4 pin to power the interior.
when you said you used a spare plug as a jumper and left the ground alone did you make sure the ground on the 4 pin is actually grounded? It seems to me that if the interior lights are working then it shows a good ground. But maybe the clearance lights are grounded separately through a different pin.
wait, light bulb......try adding power to the green wire and ground to the yellow wire and see if the lights come on.