steveh27 wrote:
I've been doing this for 20 years. Obviously I need to know if it will fit the batt box. My question was is there something about this battery that precludes just using one? The web sites I found all have them in sets of 4.
Oh no. the reason you see 'em in sets of 4 is that you are not seeing sets of 4 12 volt battery (Well you are. but you are not)
What you are seeing is ONE 48 volt battery
-12+-12+-12+-12+=48 volts
Golf cars use 48 volt batteries which for ease of handling are split into 4 12 volt parts...
This is the same as many RV's (Mine included) that use two GC-2 6 volt batteries in series to make one big 12 volt battery.
I always buy 6 volt's in pairs. Same as the golf car user will but them in quads.
But nothing about the battery itself says you can't use just one