In an industrial setting the bean counters tried gels, various brands of deep cycles, but we always ended up going back to Trojan and Crown. We ran Trojan T105 and T125 in all the personnel carriers and JLG man lift equipment. In the electric lift trucks we ran 4800 pound crowns with them being run low on water, discharged much too deeply and watered them with city tap water. When running 3 shifts they were supposed to have 3 batteries per truck (one in the truck, one on charge, and one cooling off) but with some battery failures we would end up 2 per truck at times. They were given a life expectancy of 5 yr but we ran many of them 7 yr. Any failures were basically from abuse like having a driver park the truck with the lights on in the corner somewhere and tell us a month later that its dead.
You would probably need to check your charging capability also as I believe Trojans want 14.8 volts. Research that first.
Edit: I would also agree with N-trouble. The cheap batteries at Sams etc are a great value. I have a set that are in the process of being torture tested.