I like the countdown pedestrian signals in Mexico City. They start off with an animated silhouette of a person walking. As the street signal counts down the figure walks faster and faster. At the end his LED legs are a blur. And this isn't a joke or exaggeration...
Test parameters have purpose exclusivity. That means establishing reality and focusing on factors that have meaning for consumers. Wuuwuu - an engone starting battery has greater CCA, MCA and ampere hours at the 20/hr rate than a "marine" battery, never mind a battery designed for cyclability. The engine battery same weight has far more plate area and the material is semi porous. No way in hell can less plate area outperform this.
Trying to transpose various characteristics and come up with a suitable formula is a fool's persuit. There must be 10,000 ways to alter characteristics in the same jar with the same weight. Assumptions can fill wheelbarrows and only serve to muddy reality even further. Each type of BCI test is relevant IN IT'S OWN WAY. This is similar to trying to come up with a formula to predetermine and compare fuel mileage of vehicles from 10 different manufacturer's R&D departments.
Kilowatts input versus kilowatts output is skewed by charging and discharging varianes. Are you really ready to swim to the deep end of the pool? Spurious characteristics have inconsequential meaning. The additon of a mere 1% calcium to the negative plates can totally warp a comparison. Snatch one particular testing result and comparing it to a significantly different anodic/cathodic environment is horsepucky.