Amperes at the 100 hour rate. Like a 20 amp hour X 500% time. One has to determine the average amperage draw of their rig. If they need 24 batteries to support an occasional four thousand watt inverter draw, it's something entirely different.
This isn't about performance, it's about battery longevity/survivability with relationship to long term low amperage use.
Or has the world of RV'ing morphed into a 50 amp early evening average draw? There, the Reserve Capacity factor would be relevant.
How would you rate this?
Battery A: Delivers 25 amperes for two hours then faints.
Battery B: Delivers 1 ampere successfully for 100 hours
Battery A: Plays possum after going 70 hours at one ampere draw
The only way to positively affect this is with the addition of more plate area.