Well ya it does harden it but as you can see by the pic's it didn't crack just from being smashed, now maybe if I tried to open it up or hammer it the other way it would crack. Heck rifle brass can take lots of stretching and resizing before it starts to crack. Yes if I was worried about it cracking I would have annealed the pipe before I smashed it.
I was just wondering what the guys in the know thought about using copper pipe as a bus bar. Kind of along the lines of if 1/4" is thick enough to handle the amp's. Its obvious from my pic's that I smashed it just fine. Since I am doing a custom job I didn't want to spend $ on a bus bar and get it to fit, buy making my own I can make it fit into the space I need it to fit and have a few options to attach cables to it. Not everything has to be store bought. It wasn't that hard to whack the pipe a few times with a single jack to make it flat, probably took a whole 5 minutes to smash a foot of pipe. Cut to length, drill a couple holes and put in a few bolts is easy.