#1 cause of excessive oil blow by is overfilled crankcase.
Have you verified that your oil level is correct? Caterpillar recommends not adding oil until level is down to the ADD mark.
And, on RV's, it is not uncommon for the dip stick to be mismarked, as the RV manufacturer supplies the dipstick. If yours is OE from Caterpillar, this should not be your problem.
As far as extending the blowby tube, it can be done, BUT (large BUT) there are some "got-yas". Water vapor is a natural byproduct of combustion and does exit through the blowby tube. So, it is important that the extension only go downhill/not have a drip loop. In sub-freezing temperatures, water vapor can collect and freeze in the drip loop and block air flow. A real no-no.