Well there is a slight problem.. LEDs make light different than a hot wire does, But what you do not know is Radio, Television, and visible light are all the same thing, Electromagnetic radiation. Just different frequencies (tones) is all.
Sometimes you can pop over to an electronics store, even a Radio Shack, if you know how to do electrical, or electrionic work, Pick up a couple of components
Disc Ceramic Capacitors.. I'd go with 0.1 and 0.001 uF capacity for starters
Put one of each in parallel and solder to the Socket (or LED pins) as close to the LED as possible. NOTE if soldering to the LED itself make sure you don't accidently DE-solder the LED board. (I do not recommend connecting ot the LED)
Can not guarantee but I'm talking about change back from a $5.00 bill.