Well since this thread was titled ‘Lithium confusion’ I believe that reports of this nature coming from authentic users with actual ‘in the field’ LFP experience are what provides the most value, and most practical importance. Interesting that you have a hybrid (i.e. genny load assist) type inverter and an impressive battery bank!!
Due to a sufficient amount solar and LFP’s faster recovery rate, I simply neutered the charge wire from the truck and so far have relied strictly upon solar. I came from having only two FLA sixers (due to space limitations) which for the most part served me reasonably well, except for their shallower DOD (depth of discharge, with associated voltage sag), and the occasional angst of trying to harvest as much as possible before sunset - depending on local, season and shading, sometimes a narrow comfort zone. With a few workarounds in mind, I still see FLA’s as a good overall value $$, though after having camped with the benefits of LFP’s (usable DOD, faster charge recovery, stable voltage, longevity), I’m now a “there ain’t no going back” convert, but that’s just me, and this quite naturally can be situation dependent. My only grief now is that the dang battery will most likely outlast me : ( lol
3 tons