tenbear wrote:
BFL13 wrote:
All true, but my Trimetric and another voltmeter on a long wire to the batteries reads high. No effect from anything else drawing high amps.
I used the Trimetric's program for that to lower its reading to be the same as I get at the battery itself with a multimeter (which has a new battery so it is not reading high like they do with a low battery) (I did have to allow for the Trimetric reading to only one decimal place so it didn't round up unless at 0.5 or above.)
Could the difference be in the location of the ground wire?
Don't know. The Trimetric ground (neg) wire goes to the shunt, which then goes to the battery on a short fat wire.
The other meter is a small LED type that only reads to one decimal place. It is on a very long set of speaker wires (not sure what gauge--not very fat) and reads high by 0.1v like the Trimetric does on its long wire you get with that when you buy one.
So despite the very low amps on the meter itself, it does read high on long wire from that evidence. It may be more of a "rounding error" by being meters with only one decimal place, don't know.