BFL13 wrote:
StirCrazy note that more solar will not save you if sky is overcast. LFP does not change need for gen as back up. Portable gen but not built in is also recovery method for LVD
no it won't, well actual it will becasue I still get charging in overcast, just at a way lower amount so more will help some, but if you re read what I said the switchover to LFP alone has taken me from 3 days max with out sun to 10 days, where more solar comes in is in charging when that sun does come back. I will be able to charge twice as fast. also even on normal days it would switch more of the power usage to the panels and depleat the batter even less. and finaly recover from using the furnace and lights at night will be even faster the next day so I would be at 100% capacity even faster so shorter periods of sun will be more effective to me.
so yes I don't need a Gen. I also don't need a Gen in my 5th wheel which only has GC batteries at a usable capacity of 216AH (300ish in an emergency) I have 480 watts of solar in that and in 7 years have never run out of power, mind you in the very early spring and very lait fall we will book places with power so we can run the fireplace and take the load of the propane furnace.
as far as gennys are concerned I would much rather go spend a night or two in a campground with power to recharge if it ever came to that than own a genny. I cant stand it when I am camping and some one starts one of thoes noisy things and ruins the whole experiance for everyone else. thank god campgrounds in BC are starting to limit there use even more.