Forum Discussion

peteandpatty01's avatar
May 06, 2014

no charging voltage

Have a four winds hurricane motorhome. Had to replace my 12V house batteries (two in parallel). I checked the voltage at the cables that attach to the batteries and have 0 volts. I expected about 13 volts DC. This would be coming from the converter to keep the batteries charged. I checked the out put of the converter and have 13.6 volts DC. All the 12 volt lights work and the engine battery is fully charged after sitting all winter hooked to shore power. So my questions:
Am I correct in expecting 12 to 13 volts at the cable ends that attach to the house batteries?
Is the circuit from the converter to the batteries fused?
If fused where would it be located?
Thanks for any help you folks are great.
  • BFL13, I can hear both solenoid open and close as the disconnect switches are turned on and off. I have checked all the fuses I can find, all have 12.3 voles on both sides of the fuse.
  • BFL13, There are two disconnect switches at the doorway, one for the house batteries and one for the motor battery. Both have an indicator light to show the batteries are connected. When I disconnect the motor battery the light goes out, when I disconnect the house batteries the light stays on. I will look for the solenoid to see if it has failed "open". There is also a device (black box about 3 inches square) in the positive lead to the house battery. no reset buttons, no way to open it, a current rating of 85 amps. I checked both sides (in lead, out lead) for voltage, both show 0 volts.
  • There would be a battery disconnect switch, perhaps at the doorway. It will operate a solenoid switch in the engine compartment that actually is the disconnect switch.

    In addition there might be a fuse or DC circuit breaker close to the house batteries on the positive wire.