Things have gone to ---- in the last 5-years in California. The inmates are running the asylum. Generators, chargers, too many are banned from California for reasons that Jack Nicholson in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest, would understand.
Where else would ban on briquette lighter fluid be introduced?
One political faction hasn't a freakin' clue why there is a radical divide politically.
Meanwhile I break a promise to ship a wheeled battery charger down to Celso. I do not break my word lightly. It ------ me off. It's for an automotive repair shop.
I take it back! C'mon San Andreas Fault (only half jokingly). An unknown spur that runs beneath Sacramento.
Negativism does have its advantages. We can learn and grow through the difficulties and stress through negativity.
The conflicts and annoyances that we experience are the best sources of improvements and inventions but sadly there are also drawbacks.
I'm not a psychologist. . . I'm only speaking from the bases of common sense.
We all know that negativism is psychologically bad. It is often associated with lack of perception that limits reason and logic skills. People who are short of cognitive resonance often resort to to expletives, deplorable exaggeration and in some cases even violence. The latter may not be the case here but close enough.
I live and work, raised a family in CA and I've seen changes over the years. Some changes are good and some are bad. I don't dwell on the bad part because "up to what end?" Thinking negatively will only trigger depression.
I give credit to the gentleman who posted the last comment regarding energy efficiency legislation. I hope that this serves as a wakeup call for those who are out of the loop. . . perhaps spending too much time in the boondocks unaware of California Energy Commission (CEC).
This CA legislation is separate from the federally sanctioned Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS). This has been around since the 70s. This has been used as reference by electrical appliance manufacturers, electric motors, generators and electrical distribution design engineers, and as the previous post stated, also includes battery chargers.
These MEPS and CA legislations are re-examined and revised regularly.
The CA mandates are far more stringent than MEPS. Not all facets of consumer appliance manufacturing standards are covered by federal mandates. This is where California steps in. The state make sure that what have been left out are included. . . and so far are even more more stringent in its regulation.
Of course there are loopholes. You can buy a non-CA approved generator in AZ and haul it to CA. As a civic minded person you can let your conscience be your guidance.
Having said all this you can whip out your pitchfork and axe and burn me on a stake.
In conclusion--negativism serves as an exhaust valve for those who are consumed by negative thoughts. I hope that these professed gurus and experts would offer us who think positively do not allow us to get drowned with their regrettable comments that only magnifies the limits of common sense.
(Pay no attention to what the critics say. Remember,a statue has never been setup in honor of a critic. Jean Sibelius)