Forum Discussion

tenbear's avatar
Jan 19, 2014

Opinion on solar panel kit wanted

I received a notice of this solar panel kit. It seemed like a good deal here in the northeast. 300 watts for $500 including S&H.

All opinions welcome.
  • Hi RJ,

    It is under $2 per watt. Please show us your source for $1 per watt with hardware, controller and wire?

    RJsfishin wrote:
    W/ solar running near $1 a watt, and a $15 controller, how is that a good deal at $500 ?
  • W/ solar running near $1 a watt, and a $15 controller, how is that a good deal at $500 ?
  • Hi tenbear,

    Looks good to me. I'd probably upgrade the controller to something that allows a temperature probe on the battery.

    If you have a good roof location with zero shading I'd consider using mppt technology and wiring in series--of course this costs more.
  • At more that $1.00 per watt, seems awfully expensive. Also, you might want to upgrade the controller to 30amp in case you ever want larger panels.
