Nothing in life is "free".
Absorbed glass mat has specific characteristics. They have been discussed above.
There are just too many permutations to try and round this down to a single sentence.
An individual wishes to pay two to three hundred percent more for absorbed glass mat, they should have a list of ideas why they wish to do that.
For instance the VRB would be a clear leader in powering high amplitude short duration loads like a microwave. But the VRB would conversely be a clear loser in the weight versus ampere hour category.
How do you determine that you are taking care of an AGM correctly, before it fails? Not every RV is a science lab. Most RV owners do not have the ability to log kWh transactions. "They lasted 8 years" is meaningless when it comes to a different individual.
I am not criticizing AGM, merely trying to establish some perspective here. For crying out loud, the subject of how to equalize a flooded battery has only been recently augmented on this forum. Top charging seldom mentioned. Folks are basing a lot of opinions and conclusions on batteries that have been mistreated, or worse yet, on inferior battery brands.
For a different twist, let's compare the TOTAL performance and lifespan of a Lifeline battery versus a Rolls or Crown battery.
I've got news for some of you. Maintaining a VRB to achieve max amp hour capacity is a hell of a lot harder than it is with a flooded battery. Do some 20 hour tests on 5 year old AGM batteries the average RV owner has maintained and see where you are.
You find a 2 year old absorbed glass mat battery with 82% of the capacity of a new unit. What do you do? Explain it to me...