Forum Discussion

Specularius's avatar
Dec 10, 2014

progressive industries ems-hw50c question

What position does the switch need to be in to bypass the voltage protection. I have searched all over the interwebs and cannot find a straight answer. I don't want it to be in bypass mode and not be protecting anything.
  • Specularius wrote:
    Mdamerell, I read that all over the manual and the interwebs. No where does it say how to activate it or when it is activated.

    OK, I must be a little confused over what you are asking. Here is what I know and I hope it helps you out.

    I plug in my 5er to the post and turn the post breaker on. After about 30 seconds (I think) the unit turns power on to my 5er. I watch for the clock to come on the microwave. I check the display to see what kind of power/voltages I have display. I turn on my water heater etc... shut the cabinet door and go enjoy my self. Since I did not want to see the numbers displaying all the time I had it installed inside my coat closet with all my other tank gages, slide and yawning controls. There is a switch on the display to turn it off and there is a manual override inside the actual unit. I know about the internal switch since the shop installed it backwards the 1st time and when you pushed it, it allowed power to the trailer, but once power is disconnected, the switch will automatically reset.

    Basically if you can read the leg voltages the unit is working. If there is a "E" code or error cord you have an issue. If the display is off, so is the protection. I believe they think it's so simple you don't have to write it out, although they seem to say it round about.

    I know it works cause it's saved me a couple of times. One time the utility line crew in CT screwed up and caused power issues in the campground and surrounding area. The second time a power post lost its ground? in OH (something about ground water and bad insulation).

    I hope that helps.
  • Mdamerell, I read that all over the manual and the interwebs. No where does it say how to activate it or when it is activated.
  • Specularius wrote:
    Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Switch DOWN.....full function/protection.

    Switch UP (Bypass).....surge protection only. Display will read 'OFF'

    Thanks Old-Biscuit. I completed my instillation and after powering up you are exactly right. Down is full protection and up will show "OFF" on the display.

    Now why can't PI put that in the manual?

    Yeah, it would be a simple thing to include.
    They make mention about 'bypass' feature, what it does and caution not to use it if 220V is detected but can't put a simple sentence in describing how to turn on/off.

    Or even simple markings on remote by the switch. :S

    Fortunately it does indicate OFF in display

  • Bypass:

    This switch is located on the remote panel, and allows the user to bypass the computer circuit in the EMS in the event of computer failure, thus allowing AC power into the RV. This does not disable the surge protection portion of the EMS; however, all other features are disabled.
  • Old-Biscuit wrote:
    Switch DOWN.....full function/protection.

    Switch UP (Bypass).....surge protection only. Display will read 'OFF'

    Thanks Old-Biscuit. I completed my instillation and after powering up you are exactly right. Down is full protection and up will show "OFF" on the display.

    Now why can't PI put that in the manual?
  • I think Old B is correct but contact Bestconverter and they will know. They are the largest distributor of them and I got mine there but I'm now on 30 amp so not positive.
  • Switch DOWN.....full function/protection.

    Switch UP (Bypass).....surge protection only. Display will read 'OFF'
  • IIRC down toward the connector is full protection.
    Or is this not a remote display unit?